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How to Travel from Home while Self-Isolating

by Whereto360

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Being stuck at home can be frustrating, especially when you've got itchy feet. We've hit the pause button on our travel plans, and so did everyone else, but that doesn't mean we stopped thinking about travelling! The good news is that you don't always have to be on the road to be immersed in what you love doing most. We've come up with different travel- related activities that you can do at home to keep yourselves in touch with the wanderer's world!

1. Watch travel movies or documentaries

Once you finish watching your crime episodes, look up some travel movies or documentaries that will fuel your wanderlust while you learn something new. A quick search on the internet will recommend the best options for you. Because what can possibly make time go by quicker than watching a movie?

2. Have a go at cooking different cuisines

We love cooking but we're usually too busy to experiment and try out dishes we loved most from our travels. Now is the right time to check out those slow cooking and tricky recipes. Craving sushi, an Indian curry or a mi goreng? Have a go at it and master your skills. You'll definitely find any ingredient you need from one of the local supermarkets or discount stores.

3. Learn a new language

Planning a visit to South America? We're sure some basic Spanish will come in handy. There are many ways to learn a language online. From downloading an app (we love Duolingo) to YouTube videos and free language exchange websites, learning a language has never been more accessible. Local language schools may also be offering online classes so get in touch today.

4. Create that photo album

You'll definitely thank us for this. It's super fun to look back at travel memories through printed photos while sharing your crazy stories with friends and family. Going through all those photos and picking the best ones can be really time-consuming… oh wait, you now have all the time in the world thanks to Covid-19! If you want some professional editing as well, why not contact a local photographer to do so?

5. Organise your travel gear

Getting prepared for a trip is half the fun when travelling, but if you haven't got everything ready and accessible it can be a headache too. Now is the best time to get organised and stock up on missing items such as a rain jacket or a head torch. We have organised our travel closet and stored all our travel and camping gear in one place. This way, the first time we're ready for an adventure, we can just pack and go!

6. Plan your dream trip

You've got all the time you need to plan it well. Many of us usually ask around for tips or search the internet briefly for tips on things to do and see. While having plenty of time on your hands, take the opportunity to go through resourceful blogs and look for more off the beaten path tips. It would be a great idea to start pinning locations on google maps to save time when the usual routine strikes back.

7. Welcome home! 

Travellers will make themselves feel at home wherever they go, but we've all got that one place we return to every time. So how about making it feel extra special by adding a touch of travel to your interior design? Many people are taking the opportunity to refurbish and spring clean their houses while they're stuck inside. Take this as an opportunity to decorate using your souvenirs and photographs. The internet is full of easy to follow DIY projects that will turn your crib into the perfect globetrotter's dream home. A local interior designer can also provide you with some practical advice. A sure way to make your neighbours jealous!

8. Take a virtual tour

Art and history lovers take note – you can now take a personalised tour into some of the most popular art galleries and museums in the world thanks to free virtual tours. Bonus – you won't have to wait for hours in long queues!

9. Take an online photography course

Master the skills of snapping amazing travel photos from the comfort of your home. Understanding how to use your camera better, or even discovering ways how you could use your phone camera better are great ways you can invest your idle time at home.

10. Catch up with friends around the world

There's no better time to check how your friends from around the globe are doing. Get to know what's going on in their countries, talk about all the good memories you have together and dream of the day you can finally visit each other again.

Here's to hoping everybody is safe, well and occupied at home while we wait for our dear friend Mr Covid to get tired of travelling himself! 


About Whereto360

Sarah Farrugia & Shaun Azzopardi from Whereto360


Sarah and Shaun are a couple with a passion for travel and adventure. They quit their jobs to travel full time and that is where they decided to start sharing their tips and experiences with people who were closely following their journeys on Whereto360. They want to pass on the message that travelling and following one's dreams is not for an exclusive part of society. They travel on very small budgets and take on multiple challenges that push them out of their comfort zone to keep up with their travel plans. They recently returned from a 15-month trip around Asia, surviving on just €10 per day! Whenever they are in Malta, they organise many events for like-minded people to meet, connect and share ideas.

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